{# NOTE #}
{# This file is a duplciate of the @Storefront/storefront/component/sorting.html.twig #}
{# But due to an issue where we can't have this Sorting element twice in the DOM, we have duplciated into a seperate file. #}
{# From here, we give the Sorting a different name and have it trigger the original sorting via a Javascript plugin. #}
{% set config = { sorting: current } %}
{% set showSorting = (slot.config.showSorting.value is defined) ? slot.config.showSorting.value : true %}
{% if showSorting and sortings|length > 1 %}
<div class="sorting" data-mimic-sorting="[data-list-sorting]" data-mimic-type="{{ type }}">
{% if type == 'select' %}
<select class="sorting pr-8 {{ formSelectClass }}"
aria-label="{{ 'general.sortingLabel'|trans|striptags }}">
{% for sorting in sortings %}
{% set key = sorting.key %}
<option value="{{ key }}"{% if key == current %} selected{% endif %}>{{ sorting.translated.label|sw_sanitize }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% elseif type == 'button' %}
<div class="flex overflow-x-scroll grid-gap-2">
{% for sorting in sortings %}
{% set key = sorting.key %}
<div class="radio-container first:ml-4 last:mr-4">
<input type="radio" class="hidden peer" name="mimic-sorting" id="{{ key }}"
value="{{ key }}" {% if key == current %} checked="checked"{% endif %}>
<label for="{{ key }}"
class="btn btn-secondary whitespace-nowrap transition peer-checked:bg-grey-900 peer-checked:text-white hover:bg-grey-900 hover:text-white">{{ sorting.translated.label|sw_sanitize }}</label>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}