
nl-NL Default locale
- Fallback locales


  • Defined 43
  • Fallback 0
  • Missing 15

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
nl-NL messages 1 general.noscriptNotice general.noscriptNotice
nl-NL messages 1 general.menuLink general.menuLink
nl-NL messages 1 header.logoLink header.logoLink
nl-NL messages 2 header.wishlist header.wishlist
nl-NL messages 4 header.searchButton header.searchButton
nl-NL messages 3 general.homeLink general.homeLink
nl-NL messages 2 general.toCategory general.toCategory
nl-NL messages 1 general.back general.back
nl-NL messages 1 general.showCategory general.showCategory
nl-NL messages 1 listing.afterListPrice listing.afterListPrice
nl-NL messages 1 listing.beforeListPrice listing.beforeListPrice
nl-NL messages 1 listing.toggleWishlist listing.toggleWishlist
nl-NL messages 1 checkout.addProductLabel checkout.addProductLabel
nl-NL messages 1 pages.product.recentProductsLoading pages.product.recentProductsLoading
nl-NL messages 1 cookie.configure cookie.configure